Non-Clog Internal Training, November 6th, 2017
Flymar were delighted to be selected as the company to host Xylem’s internal training for the Clog-Free campaign in Thailand.
This event, which included both classroom training and practical demonstration, was held at Flymar’s workshop facility in
Hua-Mark, Bangkok.
Combining Flygt’s self-cleaning N-technology with its Adaptive N-hydraulics along with a SmartRun™ intelligent controller
makes for an efficient and reliable pumping solution.
Add a premium efficiency motor and you have “Flygt Experior”, a groundbreaking innovation for wastewater pumping.
“Seeing is believing”, is an old truism that was absolutely accomplished by use of the demonstration test tank.
Witnessed by all participants the Flygt pump, a model NP 3127.160 MT 437, 5.9kW, successfully achieved trouble free and
efficient pumping regardless of the various and rather difficult objects that were fed into its suction.